Lift and Repair

Stuff I Love and Recommend To My Friends

I have strong opinions, am terribly frugal, and have been around the block a few times. Here are a few of my favorite things. Blenders. Face creams. Makeup. Hair. Decorating. Cats. It’s all here. The favorites list. I’m literally walking around my apartment and listing all the things I would recommend to my friends.
The chandelier seen in many of my videos is acrylic and four feet long. Super dramatic and gives me a punch of glam, that simply hangs on a hook for less than $100. Buy them in a two pack and put on either side of the bed for a sexy, Hollywood Regency bedroom. Self-Adhesive Removable Wallpaper is a life changer for stylish apartment dwellers – no more Navaho White!

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My First Day as a Model for Keranique Hair

-My First Day as a Model for Keranique Hair. I’ve worked as an actress for 25 years but I’ve never really worked as a model. Oh sure, I have gotten together with friends and cameras and played dress-up for years, it’s one of my favorite ways to keep creative in between gigs. I didn’t start booking professional modeling jobs until after I turned 50 and allowed my hair to go gray!

Yesterday, I got to work as a hair model for Keranique Hair. Specifically, the senior model… Gulp. Still getting used to that. I was lucky enough to get someone to shoot behind-the-scenes footage on my cell phone (The autofocus went too little crazy, sorry about that).  You can definitely tell I’m a little uncomfortable right at the beginning of the shoot but eventually I found my rhythm! I’m accustomed, as an actor, to having a script in advance to memorize, rehearse, create – when I walk onto a movie set, I usually know what I am doing that day! Models are not hired for their brains and are told what they need to do on a “need to know” basis 😉
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